Installing the Chart

Scheduler-plugins as a second scheduler in cluster #

Table of Contents #

Installation #

Quick start instructions for the setup and configuration of as-a-second-scheduler using Helm.

Prerequisites #

Installing the chart #

Install chart using Helm v3.0+ #

$ git clone
$ cd scheduler-plugins/manifests/install/charts
$ helm install scheduler-plugins as-a-second-scheduler/ --create-namespace --namespace scheduler-plugins

Verify that scheduler and plugin-controller pod are running properly. #

$ kubectl get deploy -n scheduler-plugins
NAME                           READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
scheduler-plugins-controller   1/1     1            1           7s
scheduler-plugins-scheduler    1/1     1            1           7s

Configuration #

The following table lists the configurable parameters of the as-a-second-scheduler chart and their default values.

Parameter Description Default Scheduler name scheduler-plugins-scheduler
scheduler.image Scheduler image
scheduler.leaderElect Scheduler leaderElection false
scheduler.replicaCount Scheduler replicaCount 1 Controller name scheduler-plugins-controller
controller.image Controller image
controller.replicaCount Controller replicaCount 1
plugins.enabled Plugins enabled by default ["Coscheduling","CapacityScheduling","NodeResourceTopologyMatch", "NodeResourcesAllocatable"]
plugins.disabled Plugins disabled by default ["PrioritySort"]